Monday, February 14, 2011

Dylan, Lady Gaga & The Grammys

Rare TV appearance by Dylan and even more rare; him without a guitar. Guess his vocals were just so crisp and clean he didn't need the guitar. Anyway it's always good to see Dylan in any form. I love Dylan but not his best performance or my favorite song of his.

Despite the "world wide phenomena" I call "Gaga-ism" I don't like Lady Gaga. She claims that she specializes in the "art of being famous". To me that's kind of like saying that her song writing can't stand on it's own without all the incessant publicity stunts. I don't think it can since I don't like one song. I mean I wouldn't turn it up if I heard it on the radio; that's the litmus test for me, for a song being really great; when it comes on the radio I crank it up. "But they're not stunts, that's really the way I am" says Gaga. Ya and I'm sure you don the "meat dress" for an evening on the town all the time, since debuting it at your last "awards photo-op fiasco". She seems to have it in her mind that's she's this Avant-garde "ground breaking" artist like the world has never seen before. Couldn't be farther from the truth. C'mon, like Madonna, Cher, Cindy Lauper, Alice Cooper, KISS, Ozzy Osborn, The Tubes (San Francisco band of the 70's) and The Doors, among others; didn't do theatrics involving a lot of over the top costumes, sexuality, excessive makeup and fake blood. She claims to be a "performance artist" and believe me! She is! Just another way of saying that her musical product (recordings) cannot stand on their own without all the hype and regalia. She supposedly is an inspiration for those who struggle with "fitting in" Sort of a "Lone Ranger" hero to those who don't add up to the "status quo" the "beautiful people" ; so to speak. Ya I'm sure all those inner city kids or other outcasts who are getting bullied can really relate to someone that pulls in an estimated hundred mill a year and I'm sure she hangs out with them every chance she gets! Give me a break Gaga. Take your money and your fame and enjoy it and quit trying to be Mother Teresa because I'm guessing that the world will embrace "Gaga-ism" for maybe a decade at most, then you'll become a vintage T-shirt at best. Unlike those who really know how to write songs like Dylan, Carly Simon, Carol King, Neil Diamond, Natalie Merchant, Neil Young, Tori Amos, Pearl Jam, REM, The Rolling Stones, The Band, Jose Feliciano, Hendrix, Joplin, The Doors, Jim Croce, Tracy Chapman, The Supremes, The Carpenters, The Who, The Moody Blues, Alanis Morrisette. Just to name a few "REAL RECORDING ARTISTS" whos' music will stand the test of time.

Porcupine Smith

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