Friday, March 18, 2011

Hate doctrine

No I'm not talking about the Westboro Baptist Church; they don't have a "hate doctrine". Well, maybe they do, but it's not covert, it's overt; it's not surreptitious; it's right out there in plain site. It's the "hate doctrine" of the news media I'm talking about; which is surreptitious. They inflame the liberal against the conservative and the conservative against the liberal. For the sake of their golden calf; the great cash cow of the syndicated news franchise. Case in point. How would we even know? that the Westboro Baptist Church has a "hate doctrine" If it weren't for the medias' incessant coverage of them and their views. They cover the gay parades just the same; inflaming the conservative against the liberal. And then there's the 'hippie dippies' shouting peace, love & flowers. Ya! and that movement has done so much for "societal well being" and "global peace" in the 51 years since it's inception (NOT). It's all a croc of shit and I'm right in the middle of it and so are all of you; admit it or not and there's nothing anyone can do about it. Transcend, descend and you still end up in the mucky swamp either way. Well that's my rant for the moment; I would write more and may later but people don't often access this blog so I haven't been making my daily posts. Que sera sera...

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The 2011 "A Cat and Me" Awards

I asked my dog Fred if he'd like to watch the Academy Awards tonight. Being a dog he thought I said "A Cat and Me Awards". Now he's not speaking to me and he unplugged the TV.

As far as the awards go. I'm for James Franco in '127 Hours'. and Colin Firth can kiss my Thespian ass. I like 'The Social Network' and '127 Hours'. I don't favor 'The King's Speech' or 'The Fighter'. Little Marky Mark Wahlberg is another one who can kiss my "movie going ass". I hope Black Swan gets something because Natalie Portman worked her ass off (literally) for that portrayal and I just like Portman to begin with. Jeff Bridges in 'True Grit', for all the "Cine-noir" the brought to that film, it's still a "been there done that" type of film which also goes for 'The Kids Are All Right' which in terms of a movie might be called 'The Kids Are All Wrong'. Bruce Willis said he favored 'The Kids Are All Right' which confirms my disdain for the film. Ya, like his "Die Hard" franchise, '12 Monkeys' and Armageddon qualifies him as a pundit in "The Art of Film Making". Face it, in terms of 'The Art of Film Making" you can't beat the proverbial wolf chewing off his own paw for the sake of his posterity. Especially when it's a "true friggin story". Any films I didn't mention here probably don't matter. I'm Porcupine Smith

Friday, February 25, 2011

Blog depression

I'm depressed because I love to write but the I also love for people to read that which I've written. I don't really know how to direct more people here; I've tried search engines for blogs and other types of networking but to no avail. So... I'm depressed and while I may have a plethora of profundity coursing through my mind at any given moment, just waiting to be poured out on paper; what's the point if no one or only a very few people read. Anyway I'm depressed about it and there's not a damn thing I can do! Some A-hole like Perez Hilton can create a blog and get millions of readers to his dubious content; I just don't get that?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Blog, blog, bloggity blog

You know I built a website some time ago and never really knew how to generate much traffic to it. Now I have this blog which I feel has more timely, apropos, entertaining and provocative content but I still don't know how to get any traffic to it. It's kind of like writing in a vacuum. I mean I could write the greatest poems, humor, essays, philosophy or I could write the most cantankerous crap and no one would know!!! I'm bummed; truth be told and just lamenting anguish here. Because I know there's a ton of blogs that are really crappy but they get major hits because there juxtaposed in search engines and high traffic websites. I'm just bummed today, I'm really bummed. Not that any one will care because I'm pretty sure no one will know because I'm pretty sure no one reads this blog! So be it! thus it is written thus it is done. 

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Jeopardy, Watson, Computers and Life...

So it was interesting; the big "virtual Jeopardy player" experiment. I kind of knew the computer would win; cuz... the computer is not really playing. It has a little help from the engineers that programmed it. Hence my current view here. People (so called pundits) keep talking about all the great things this new advanced technology will bring us. They cite examples in medical science, social services, business, banking and so on. What a bunch of Jackasses! It's an amusing tool that's all and an amusing tool is not going to bring more "well being" to society. Who are these Jackasses that think this. Do they not have any education in history whatsoever. Can they not see the "big picture". Technology does not bring well being, health and happiness. Mankind has had more chaos, dysfunction and grief, since the advent of technology than all the previous millenniums that came before. I enjoy my car and having a car but I also enjoy walking and if given the choice between having a car or being able to walk; it's no contest, it's a "no brainer". I enjoy writing this online blog but I also enjoy reading library books and writing long hand with a pencil or pen and if giving the choice between online text documents or books; what do you think I would choose. Man's technology cannot cure cancer but a lot of exercise and a pure diet free from toxic elements can preclude the majority of cancers. I like having modern utilities in my house but yet I think the best years of my life were probably when I lived in a "waterless" cabin with only a wood burning stove and had to chop fire wood and get my own water. I like having a cell phone and emailing people but more and more I would just prefer to meet people in person and talk to them face to face. I don't use commercial air travel because I refuse to put my dog Fred in the cargo section of a plane so I just drive an old car everywhere and I see a lot of damn interesting things on the highways and bi ways as I go about and I still get there soon enough; hey! it's faster than a horse and buggy! Granted an old car is still "technology" but it's less technology than a supersonic jet. My ultimate point of course is that there's nothing wrong with a little technology but at this point; at this juncture in history I really believe that less is more. People who think that technology will solve societies' ills are sorely mistaken and misled. Unfortunately; that represents the majority of people. People are diving headlong into the delusion of technological bliss and comfort level oblivion. So be it. I guess even I could be partly guilty of this myself but at least I'm not diving in headlong but rather; considering, contemplating and testing the waters first.

Porcupine Smith

Monday, February 14, 2011

Dylan, Lady Gaga & The Grammys

Rare TV appearance by Dylan and even more rare; him without a guitar. Guess his vocals were just so crisp and clean he didn't need the guitar. Anyway it's always good to see Dylan in any form. I love Dylan but not his best performance or my favorite song of his.

Despite the "world wide phenomena" I call "Gaga-ism" I don't like Lady Gaga. She claims that she specializes in the "art of being famous". To me that's kind of like saying that her song writing can't stand on it's own without all the incessant publicity stunts. I don't think it can since I don't like one song. I mean I wouldn't turn it up if I heard it on the radio; that's the litmus test for me, for a song being really great; when it comes on the radio I crank it up. "But they're not stunts, that's really the way I am" says Gaga. Ya and I'm sure you don the "meat dress" for an evening on the town all the time, since debuting it at your last "awards photo-op fiasco". She seems to have it in her mind that's she's this Avant-garde "ground breaking" artist like the world has never seen before. Couldn't be farther from the truth. C'mon, like Madonna, Cher, Cindy Lauper, Alice Cooper, KISS, Ozzy Osborn, The Tubes (San Francisco band of the 70's) and The Doors, among others; didn't do theatrics involving a lot of over the top costumes, sexuality, excessive makeup and fake blood. She claims to be a "performance artist" and believe me! She is! Just another way of saying that her musical product (recordings) cannot stand on their own without all the hype and regalia. She supposedly is an inspiration for those who struggle with "fitting in" Sort of a "Lone Ranger" hero to those who don't add up to the "status quo" the "beautiful people" ; so to speak. Ya I'm sure all those inner city kids or other outcasts who are getting bullied can really relate to someone that pulls in an estimated hundred mill a year and I'm sure she hangs out with them every chance she gets! Give me a break Gaga. Take your money and your fame and enjoy it and quit trying to be Mother Teresa because I'm guessing that the world will embrace "Gaga-ism" for maybe a decade at most, then you'll become a vintage T-shirt at best. Unlike those who really know how to write songs like Dylan, Carly Simon, Carol King, Neil Diamond, Natalie Merchant, Neil Young, Tori Amos, Pearl Jam, REM, The Rolling Stones, The Band, Jose Feliciano, Hendrix, Joplin, The Doors, Jim Croce, Tracy Chapman, The Supremes, The Carpenters, The Who, The Moody Blues, Alanis Morrisette. Just to name a few "REAL RECORDING ARTISTS" whos' music will stand the test of time.

Porcupine Smith

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sex, Murder, Lesbians, Midget Firefighters and a Ponzi Scheme

OK now that I got your attention! I want people to read and follow my blog. There are millions of blogs on the Internet these days and people with unlimited money can get their blog juxtaposed in high ranking search engines by paying a lot of money. I however have no such luxury. The free blog search sights don't do a hill of beans. I'm trying to direct people here to read my short daily entries because once I get going (have a reader base) then I can really build upon that. Why read "my blog" when there are millions of other things to read on the web every day. Because; simply put, my writing comes from a unique perspective developed over years, not found anywhere else. Notwithstanding I know it's not a good thing to "blow ones' own horn" You never get very far in life doing that. So other than saying what I've already said above, I'm not going to continue to tell you how great I am! You just have to read the short essays and come to that conclusion on your own (hehe). OK so I just started this thing and you can read my 4 posts thus far; in lieu of this shameless "self promotion" but mind you! I do have a piece I will enter here shortly which does involve Sex, Murder, Lesbians, Midget Firefighters and a Ponzi Scheme. So you might want to keep abreast of my blog or you may miss out on such things.

Sincerely Porcupine Smith