Friday, March 18, 2011

Hate doctrine

No I'm not talking about the Westboro Baptist Church; they don't have a "hate doctrine". Well, maybe they do, but it's not covert, it's overt; it's not surreptitious; it's right out there in plain site. It's the "hate doctrine" of the news media I'm talking about; which is surreptitious. They inflame the liberal against the conservative and the conservative against the liberal. For the sake of their golden calf; the great cash cow of the syndicated news franchise. Case in point. How would we even know? that the Westboro Baptist Church has a "hate doctrine" If it weren't for the medias' incessant coverage of them and their views. They cover the gay parades just the same; inflaming the conservative against the liberal. And then there's the 'hippie dippies' shouting peace, love & flowers. Ya! and that movement has done so much for "societal well being" and "global peace" in the 51 years since it's inception (NOT). It's all a croc of shit and I'm right in the middle of it and so are all of you; admit it or not and there's nothing anyone can do about it. Transcend, descend and you still end up in the mucky swamp either way. Well that's my rant for the moment; I would write more and may later but people don't often access this blog so I haven't been making my daily posts. Que sera sera...